Industry News

Industrial valve maintenance methods

Published by jodith valve May 15,2024

Industrial valves are an essential device for controlling the flow of media on industrial pipelines and are widely used in a variety of industries, including petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, electric power, papermaking, pharmaceutical, food, and other sectors. To ensure the normal operation of industrial valves, to extend their service life, regular maintenance is essential.

1. Regular inspection

Regular inspection of industrial valves is an important part of maintenance. Inspection includes: whether the appearance of the door is damaged, corrosion and other phenomena: whether the sealing performance of the valve is good: whether the valve operation is flexible: whether the valve connection parts are loose, etc. If any problems are found, they should be repaired or replaced promptly.

2. Cleaning

Industrial valves in the process of use, because of media corrosion, precipitation, and other reasons, inside the valve to produce dirt and impurities. These dirt and impurities will affect the sealing performance and operating performance of the valve, so it must be cleaned regularly. When cleaning, you can use water or chemical detergent to remove the dirt and impurities.

3. Lubrication

The operating parts of industrial valves, such as valve stems and flaps, need to be lubricated regularly to ensure they operate flexibly. For lubrication, you can use lubricating oil or grease applied to the working parts.

4. Rust prevention

Industrial valves in the process of use, easy to be corroded and oxidized by the medium, so it is necessary to carry out regular anti-rust treatment. Anti-rust treatment can use an anti-rust agent or anti-rust paint, which will be applied to the surface of the valve.

5. Storage

If the industrial valve is not used for a long time, it must be stored in a dry, ventilated place, and regular inspection and maintenance. During storage, the valve should be protected from heavy extrusion and collision so as not to damage the valve.


①The following points should be observed when maintaining industrial valves.

The valve should be closed and the pipeline drained before maintenance to avoid hazards.

②Appropriate tools and equipment should be used to avoid damage to the valve.

③After maintenance, the operating parts of the valve should be returned to their original position and a test run carried out to ensure normal operation of the valve.

④For some special industrial valves, such as high-temperature valves, high-pressure information gates, etc., maintenance must be carried out by the relevant regulations.

In short, regular maintenance of industrial valves can extend their service life, improve their efficiency, and reduce the occurrence of breakdowns.

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